Vår svenska utställningskommissarie kan presntera positiva resultat från vårt ”landslag” vid den internationella utställningen i Bangkok i Thailand. Det blev stort guld till Jan-Olof Ljungh och fyra guld till andra utställare.
Prisutdelningen sker inte förrän i morgon men resultaten är redan presenterade:
- Jan-Olof Ljungh
- Stefan Heijtz
- Björn Sohrne
- Gunnar Lithén
- Johan Ågren
- Kristoffer Barkendelt
- Tobias Staf
- Göran Persson till vänster
Poäng, klass, namn, exponatets titel och antal sidor
Stort guld
95 3 C Jan-Olof Ljungh, From NDP – UPU German items sent to overseas destinations 1.1.1868–1.7.1875 8 ramsidor
92 3 C Gunnar Lithén, Cancellations from Swedish steamship mail post offices from 1869–1951 8 ramsidor
91 3 C Staffan Ferdén, Carte Postale – The postcard as mean of communication over time, from Sweden to abroad during the first period 1872–1939 8 ramsidor
90 3 B Björn Sohrne, Persian and Russian Interpostal relations 1850–1926. An uneasy relationship 8 ramsidor
90 2 C Johan Ågren, Sweden 1885–1911 8 ramsidor
Stor vermeil
88 Litt Facit Norden
87 3 C Stefan Heijtz, Faroe Islands Postal History to 1945 5 ramsidor
87 4 Björn Sohrne, Postal Stationery in Persia 1876–1920 8 ramsidor
85 2 C Johan Ågren, Sweden definitives Coat-of-arms (1858) – Circle type (1885) 8 ramsidor
85 Litt Facit klassisk
67 10 A Tobias Staf, Winter Olympic Games 2 ramsidor
62 10 A Kristoffer Barkenfelt, Flags of the world 4 ramsidor
91 12 B Göran Persson, The Crimean War Efforts in the Baltic – The Event in a Postal Perspective 1 ramsida
Hej Per,I would like very much to see Goran’s display at Stockholmia 2019. In my exhibit of mail between Sweden and Great Britain there is now one letter from the British fleet anchored off Landscrona in April 1855. They had been caught by bad ice in the Kattegat as they arrived too early in the year. The English officer said he hoped to visit Lund as a tourist while they waited for the sea to be free of ice. The letter was taken across to and posted from Helsingor,Denmark and was unpaid. The fleet sailed on to Farosund then attacked Finland. Perhaps there are more letters from the British fleet while in Swedish waters. Perhaps Goran has seen them?
Med goda halsningar from Australia. God Jul, Wayne