Chris King kandiderar som FIP-president

Chris King från England kandiderar nu som president till det internationella förbundet FIP.

Han berättar i ett pressmeddelande på engelska enligt nedan.

Han skriver bland annat att ledarskapet inom FIP inte alls är som det behövs och därför kandiderar han till FIP-kongressen 2018. Han har redan det brittiska förbundet bakom sig och hoppas nu på stöd från andra länder. Noteras kan att SFF tidigare stött Chris kandidatur till FIP-styrelsen men SFF har ännu inte behandlat frågan om hans nya kandidatur.

Dear Philatelic Friends

It’s one year since the Congress at PHILATAIPEI 2016 World Stamp Championship Exhibition which took place on 26 October 2016.

Since then the Board has been almost silent.

The present leadership is not doing what is needed, so I intend to stand for President at the Congress in 2018.

I have the support of the British Federation, and I would welcome support from you, and from your federation.

Please help to secure the future of international philately.

Here are twelve questions that need to be answered – one for each month since the 74th Congress …

  1. Why hasn’t the Board answered the Congress resolution from Taipei? See here:
  2. Why is there no development plan for the future?
  3. Why doesn’t the President respond to letters and emails?
  4. Is FLASH the right way to reach the digital world?
  5. Why is there no Facebook or Twitter account?
  6. The website homepage has been updated only twice in 2017. What is the news? What has the Board been doing?
  7. Why doesn’t the website work properly?
  8. Do we have a media plan? Is there an FIP media contact list?
  9. There’s a lot of money in the bank. What is it for?
  10. How are we going to promote stamp collecting and philately?
  11. How are exhibitions to be paid for in future? It gets harder every year to attract the trade and to fill frames.

How can the Commissions, the National and Continental Federations, work better with the Board?

The 2018 exhibition in Kuala Lumpur has been cancelled. It is replaced by another in Bangkok. The 75th Congress has not yet been announced. Four of the last five Congresses will have been hosted in FIAP nations. Can the next Congress be at Praga 2018?
I’m certain that I don’t have all of the answers. But, I am certain that the Board alone hasn’t got all of the answers. And, I do know that if we don’t change the way that the FIP works, we will have more problems in the future.

So, Philately needs to work together internationally to secure its future.

What can you do to help?

You could help to write the programme for the next four years … Go to, download the whole plan, and say what you agree with, and what you do not. The FIP belongs to its members, not to the Board.

Forward this email to your philatelic friends, to exhibitors, club members, magazines, and journals.

Support me for President, and ask your Federation to nominate me.

With best wishes,

Chris King

Phone 020 8346 1366
Mobile 07768 422 840

Posta en kommentar till Zbierski, Marek

En enda kommentar
  1. Zbierski, Marek skriver:

    Hallo Mr. King,
    It is important to rethink exhibition fees for all or for countries with lower levels of individual income. This post has been reported several times, but nothing happens. For a Polish exhibitor, the application for a world exhibition represents a half of the average monthly salary or pension. And in many other countries, also European, much more. The effects are visible in the declining number of applications from my country, especially in older pensioners. Maybe there will be an idea for this difficult situation?
    I keep your fingers crossed and I greet you
    Marek Zbierski
    Marek Zbierski

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